
资源大小:2.91 GB

Lynda.com最新出品的Photoshop CS6系列视频教程之基础教程篇,由 Julieanne Kost主讲,如何在短时间内运用 Photoshop CS6, Bridge, and Camera Raw等工具制作出高质量的图片来。光盘包含有配套练习素材。
In Photoshop CS6 Essential Training, Julieanne Kost demonstrates how to produce high-quality images in a short amount of time, using a combination of Adobe Photoshop CS6, Bridge, and Camera Raw.
The course details the Photoshop features and creative options, and shows efficient ways to perform common editing tasks, including noise reduction, shadow and highlight detail recovery, retouching, and combining multiple images. Along the way, the course explores techniques for nondestructive editing and compositing using layers, blending modes, layer masks, and much more.
Topics include:
Organizing images in Bridge
Adding metadata such as copyrights and keywords
Editing in Camera Raw versus in Photoshop
Retouching in Camera Raw
Batch processing files
Customizing the Photoshop workspaces
Choosing a file format and resolution
Cropping, scaling, and rotating images
Working with layers, including merging and flattening layers
Creating selections and layer masks
Toning and changing the color of images
Adjusting shadows and highlights
Retouching and cloning
Creating panoramas from multiple images
Adding filters and sharpening
Working with blend modes
Adding type
Working with video in Photoshop CS6

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